Give the Gift of Freedom.

According to the ACLU-PA, the average bail in Lancaster County in 2016-2017 was $56,862 but even a “low” amount of monetary bail can ruin lives. Between 2021-2023, the average bail posted by LBF was $2,863.

What’s better than giving the gift of freedom? Knowing that your dollars will be used to help multiple people over time. Because the money is returned once a case is resolved, the impact of your donation is compounded.

If you feel moved to make a donation, please donate online here or send us a check to: Lancaster Bail Fund, PO Box 414, Lancaster, PA 17608. We are also on Venmo and PayPal!

Lancaster Bail Fund is a 501(C)(3) nonprofit. Your tax-exempt donation has the power to change lives in Lancaster County.

Thanks for your support! Our work would not be possible without it.